Thursday, June 03, 2010

Very Interesting Article: Criticism doesn't surprise Redeemer pastor By LARRY MITCHELL -

Mitchell puts together a very interesting article about the Missouri Synod.  Read it an let me know if you think it's accurate? fair?

Here's how it starts

CHICO — The Rev. Donald Jordan says it's no shock that his church, Redeemer Lutheran, and its denomination, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) are sometimes targets of criticism.

They've been called such things as old-fashioned, inhospitable, unyielding, inhumane, unfair and insular.

Jordan doesn't accept all these barbs, but he says, according to the spirit of the age, they are understandable.


The hymns sung at Redeemer often date from the 16th and 17th centuries, and the service is quite formal, with little room for innovation.

And the message in Jordan's sermons may seem archaic to many. There's plenty of talk about sin, death and eternal life.

The sermons focus on what Jordan calls "Law-and-gospel" Christianity. According to this understanding, the Law (the 10 Commandments) is simply impossible for humans to keep. Christians would be doomed were it not for the good news of the gospel, that Jesus kept the law perfectly and gave his life for humankind, so that believers can be in good standing with God.

Finish reading here:

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