HT: Cyberbrethren:
Dr. Jon Bruss sent me the following note and asked me to pass it along . . . A Registry of Lutheran Faculty Most college students raised in Missouri Synod, Wisconsin Synod, and Evangelical Lutheran Synod households do not, for whatever reason, attend synodical colleges. This website is for them and their families, because their continued connection with the Evangelical Lutheran Church is of utmost importance. In the presence of the Means of Grace—the Word and the Word in the Sacraments—faith in Christ is created, fed, and nourished. Apart from the Means of Grace, this faith withers and dies.
It’s quite that simple. Orth[odox] Luth[erans] i[n] a[cademia], orthluthia, is designed to facilitate helpful contact between Lutheran students and orthodox Lutheran faculty. Those listed here have volunteered their names and contact information because they want to help students maintain their confession in the face of indifference on the one hand and animosity on the other. If you are student or family member or pastor of a student, please use this site! It’s meant to be used, not looked at. Faculty, if you would like to be listed, please send your name, university, department, email address, parish affiliation, and synodical affiliation to the webmaster at
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