
tmatt" a writer at the GetReligion blog (A blog that studies how religion is represented in the media) chimes in (
http://www.getreligion.org/?p=3328) on the Issues controversy with an entry about
MZ Hemmingway's feature in the WallSteet Journal. He talks about his connection to the show.
This is especially interesting to me, since this was one of the only radio shows that I used to agree to appear on (for free) to talk about trends in religion news. It offered intelligent hosts and very fine listeners with good questions. It was worth the time and effort to hook up with them. It was not a shouting show.
He finishes with an interesting observation.
Welcome to the worship wars and the post-denominational age. This is the kind of conflict that is quietly developing on the right, while the left draws more headlines battling over the creeds, salvation and, of course, sex.
Any thoughts that this
issue isn't a
big issue should soon evaporate!
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