Strategic Planning Seminar - January 27, 2019
Life in Christ Lutheran Church
Grand Marais, MN
- Study of Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8
- Strengths of our Church
- Weaknesses of our Church
- Our Assets
Study of Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8
- "Taking the pattern of the verses, we are to be witnesses empowered by the Holy Spirit, to our local community and the whole world. While we go about our daily business, we are to point to Word and Sacrament Ministry as the means to reach the world."
Strengths of our Church
The congregation identified the following strengths:
- We are good citizens, encouraged by the church
- Solid interpretation and solid foundation on the Word. "Built on the Rock"
- Our property, its location
- We sing well. We have good hymns to sing.
- We are a solid liturgical church
- Stubbornness (both an a strength and weakness) we get done what needs to be done.
- We are a friendly, welcoming group of people.
- The majority of the congregation are self-employed
Things that have worked in the past
- Informational booth at the community info fair
- Caroling
- Float in parade
- Remote bible study, at Lisa's store and other places.
- Program on the radio
We next discussed some ideas of how to capitalize on these strengths:
- Apologetics - Lisa's father is an Apologetics speaker, we have discussed having him speak
- Pastor will be writing articles on Apologetics in July for the local paper
- The property as a strength, the sign needs to be updated and lit
- Church phone directory for community churches
- Housing for international students who come to work for the summer
- a community garden
Weaknesses of our Church
The congregation discussed the following weaknesses:
- Our size is seen as a weakness in the community (anonymity being one of the issues as well as an organized youth group)
- How the community sees what we believe (i.e. we are strict, unloving and unwelcoming, and there are many examples of people who say they were treated badly by LCMS).
- Budget
- The current building, although a wonderful gift from God, and well used, would need updating / replacing
- Stubbornness (see above)
- Distance our members must travel to attend church and other events
Our Assets
The congregation discussed the following assets:
- The parsonage
- Location / Property
- Recreation
- Gunflint Lake
- Visitors
- Property available for growth (10 acres adjoining our property)
- Resident pastor
We next discussed some ideas of how to capitalize on these strengths:
- Pastor swap - primarily with the congregations that have supported us.
- Stopover for people recreating in the Boundary Waters
What will we concentrate on for the coming year?
It was agreed that we should work on
- educating and changing the perception in the community as to who we really are
- be more visibly active in the community as a congregation. Events in Grand Marais
- Bob will visit the Chamber of Commerce for a list of needs in the community, pastor will communicate these needs to the congregation and schedule a followup.
- Lisa's father will come and speak on apologetics connected with pastor's articles in the paper, needs approval of the congregation
Other items discussed but not acted on at this time
- Thanksgiving offering for Christian Care Committee
- Youth group mission trips destination
Respectfully Submitted
Pastor Watt.
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