Luke.21.25-36; The First Sunday in Advent; December
2, 2018;
Life in Christ Lutheran Church, Grand Marais, MN;
and peace to you from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Here we
are just after the busiest shopping day of the year. Thanksgiving turkey is
still on your breath. Your eyes are still glowing from staring at the Football
screen. The Christmas decorations are going up everywhere. Soon the church will
be decked out in green boughs and candles. I guess it is official the Christmas
season has started. There’s going to be parties. The “eating too much” and
“Setting your bathroom scale back” season has begun, with Thanksgiving. There’s
going to be wish lists made up, Christmas cookies made and maybe even a little
more snow. I’ve heard lots of opinions on the weather, will it be a good year
or a bad one? Soon everywhere you look people are going to be smiling, saying
“Merry Christmas!” They’ll be busy doing their necessary Holiday errands. For
the dark of winter, Christmas seems to perk just about everyone up. Christmas
day is one of those things that just about everybody looks forward to and
prepares for. After all, it’s Christmas.
course, in the Church the season we are about to start isn’t the Christmas
season at all rather it is Advent. That’s why after Thanksgiving we’ve
put the blue paraments on the altar and not the white ones. For Christmas we
use white. Advent is just a little different from Christmas. The Church
celebrates Christmas after December
25th, after the birth of
Jesus. We spend the weeks before Christmas preparing for Christ’s coming. The
radio is playing Christmas carols already, we generally hold off until January.
It’s not because we are scroogy… after all the Christians have been celebrating
Christmas longer than anyone. You know, it’s our holiday. It’s the birth of
Jesus Christ. Shouldn’t we be the ones to say how it’s done?
The word
Advent means coming. And that’s exactly what we’ll be doing, waiting for Jesus
coming. Over the years the Church has come to realize that it’s better not to
jump right to the manger at Bethlehem, but rather to take some time in
anticipation. Advent is all about anticipation.
exactly why do we want to spend the time waiting that everyone else is spending
at the party? Why do we want to think about other things when everyone else is
having fun? Well, that’s exactly what Jesus is talking about in this text.
watch yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and
drunkenness and cares of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly like a
trap. 35For it will come upon all who dwell on the face of the whole
earth. 36But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have
strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand
before the Son of Man.” Luke 21:25-36 (ESV)

That’s what the season isn’t about: seeking fulfillment in the joy of the
season. And as Rick the sheep says, “when you wear yourself out chasing things
that never really satisfy.”
think about it. Isn’t that what the season that lies before us has really
become? Isn’t that what most people are really starting up on right now? Isn’t
that what you and I are starting right now? You know the feeling that I’m
talking about. You’ve probably gone through it all again and Friday was the
“big shopping day.” You think you should be happy. You think the Christmas
carols should “get you in the Christmas spirit.” But they don’t seem to work.
You concentrate on buying the perfect gift. How many of you have some of your
“Christmas shopping” done? After all the ‘real’ joy of the season is in
giving, right? But you wonder what people are going to give you. You know the
empty feeling you have when you open your own presents. And how often have you
seen the same disappointed look on others faces as they opened gifts from you. So,
you sit down to Netflix to key up and watch one the myriad of “Christmas
specials” and feel good Christmas themed programs. But it doesn’t really seem
to make any difference. Your family is coming together for the holiday because
that’s an important part of the season. But there’s always a fight of some kind
or an argument leaves everyone angry or disillusioned. As the season goes on
instead of getting easier to focus it gets harder. And all your ‘Christmas
cheer’ has up and left. And long about the double digits of December you start
to look for the end. You wish it was all over and you had everything done. Of
course, you can’t say anything to anyone, you don’t want to ruin the season for
anyone else, because they all look like they’re having such a great time. And
maybe some of them are, but you really wonder if anyone else is feeling the same
way you are. Well… they are; lots of them. You’ve heard about the “holiday
blues” they strike more people than you might think. But you just put on a
brave smile and pretend that the holidays are your favorite time of the year.
No one wants to be The Grinch.
You see. Jesus knows what he’s talking about.
Dissipation: chasing after things that never really satisfy. The reason why all
that stuff surrounding this season feels empty is because it all really is
empty. Ultimately this time before Christmas isn’t about decorating your house.
It’s not about creating family memories. And it’s not even about getting our
hearts ready for Christmas. It’s about Jesus. It’s about God doing something
about our loneliness. It’s about God doing something about our despair. It’s
about God doing something about the pain in our hearts. It’s about God doing
something about our sin broken world. It’s about what God has done is Jesus.
become an old cliché but it’s still one of my favorites Jesus is the reason
for the season. Christmas is about Jesus. Of course, you agree. It’s about
Jesus wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. And that’s right, but
if that were then end of the story we’d be right back where we started. So,
what if another baby is born into this world. So, what if Shepherds visit him. So,
what… The story of Christmas isn’t just a sweet story about the birth baby;
it’s about what that baby has been born to do.
manger of Christmas is empty if we don’t see the shadow of the cross over it.
It is on the cross that Jesus gives us the reason for the season. That
baby in swaddling clothes doesn’t stay a baby, he becomes a man. And he’s not
just an ordinary man; he is God himself in human flesh. He is God coming to
take the emptiness out of life by filling it his own life. Because everything
in life that is apart from God is meaningless. You know it because you’ve felt
it, every time you get caught up in the hustle of the season and forget about
Jesus. You feel it every time you take your eyes of the cross or see just the
manger and forget the cross.
the cross of Jesus is for you. It’s where Jesus takes the pain and suffering of
sin and buries forever in death. He feels the emptiness of life lived apart
from God and he cries “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” Why have you forsaken me?
That kind of empty death isn’t yours anymore. What awaits you after death is a
resurrection, just like Jesus. He rose from the dead and you will rise from the
dead, too. That’s his promise to you in Baptism. And hey, that’s his promise to
you in Christmas.
But I
want you to see one more thing. Advent isn’t just about waiting for Christmas.
It is, in fact, waiting for something much greater and even better than
Christmas. Jesus is coming again, and this time it’s not going to be in
swaddling clothes. This time he’s coming in power and glory. He is going to
raise me and you from our dusty graves to life again. No day of joy that you
have ever experienced is going to match the joy you’ll feel standing before
Jesus in your resurrected body, seeing Jesus face to face. Every time we
prepare to celebrate Christmas by thinking and focusing on Jesus we are
thinking and preparing for that day. And that’s just what Jesus means when he
says Watch yourselves!
Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Advent, and Merry Christmas! Get ready Jesus is
coming. Prepare yourselves by remembering what he has done for you. Do some
shopping, hang some lights, eat some Christmas cookies. Jesus is coming soon.
Peace of God that passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in
Christ Jesus. Amen.
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