Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thinking about Your Funeral (updated)

I've written an article for the September (2007) issue of the Lutheran Witness titled Thinking about Your Funeral.

You can read most of it on the Lutheran Witness webpage. My personal subtitle was What Your Pastor Wants You to Know About Planning Your Funeral Check out Thinking about Your Funeral in the print edition or online.

Also, I'll be interviewed on KFUO Radio program Issues, Etc on September 6th about 5:30pm.

You can listen to the interview by going to, clicking on "Listen Online" then scroll down to the 3rd hour of Thursday, September 6th. Select either the WMA or MP3 audio file. My interview is the second half of the hour.

Or you can download the Mp3 file directly Sept 6, Hour 3, Issues Etc right click and select "Save As".

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